Seriously, Who's this Epaphras?

Seriously, Who’s this Epaphras?

Colossians 1:3-8

Have you ever asked that question, but instead you have your name in it’s place?  Seriously, who is...well me?  What can I (Average joe) do to make a difference in the kingdom of God (You know the God who created EVERYTHING)?  

Epaphras, only mentioned 3 times in the whole New Testament (Colossians 1:7, 4:12, and Philemon 23).  But I want you to notice something about Epaphras and it comes from understanding the progression of this section of Colossians 1:3-8.  Paul, in a sense, talks about results and takes 7 verses to get to the foundation to these results.

First, Paul is rejoicing and thanking God.  This is the ultimate result of what is described in the verses to come.  But let’s not skip over this to quickly.  I wonder who was a part of these prayers of thanksgiving?  Why does he say “we?”  According to Colossians 4:12 I think it is safe to assume that Epaphras must have been part of these regular meetings of prayer to thank God.

The reason for Paul’s worship of God is because of their faith in Jesus and because of their love for God’s people.  (Col 1:4)  Their faith and love emerge because of the “hope [they have] stored up in heaven.” (Col 1:5) 

Let’s recap for a second:  Paul and others thank and worship God because of the faith and love of the Colossians, They have faith and love because of the Hope they have stored up in heaven, And now look at Colossians 1:7 again where it mentions Epaphras.  “You learned it from Epaphras”!!  

Because Epaphras was faithful at telling the Colossians of the hope they could have stored up in heaven, they now have the hope that drives them to faith and love….which results in Paul (AN APOSTLE) to worship and honor God….

Back to the first question, who is Epaphras?  He is not described in great words like “Apostle” or “Priest” or “King” but look at the words used to describe him (My translation) “Epaphras, our dear fellow SLAVE , who is a faithful SERVANT of Christ on our behalf”  Paul uses the words slave and servant to describe this faithful worker of God.   

This was not his social position but His ministry position.  A position he decided to take in order to make a difference in the kingdom of God.  Because he saw himself not as a worthy candidate but simply a slave and servant of God for the people of Colossae he was able to ultimately motivate an entire group of people to live lives of faith and love    and to even have an Apostle motivated to worship God.  

So who are you?  Maybe someone of little influence...Maybe someone of little significance in yours or the worlds eyes...BUT what will you do today to make a difference for someone around you?


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