Seriously, Who's this Epaphras?
Seriously, Who’s this Epaphras? Colossians 1:3-8 Have you ever asked that question, but instead you have your name in it’s place? Seriously, who is...well me? What can I (Average joe) do to make a difference in the kingdom of God (You know the God who created EVERYTHING)? Epaphras, only mentioned 3 times in the whole New Testament (Colossians 1:7, 4:12, and Philemon 23). But I want you to notice something about Epaphras and it comes from understanding the progression of this section of Colossians 1:3-8. Paul, in a sense, talks about results and takes 7 verses to get to the foundation to these results. First, Paul is rejoicing and thanking God. This is the ultimate result of what is described in the verses to come. But let’s not skip over this to quickly. I wonder who was a part of these prayers of thanksgiving? Why does he say “we?” According to Colossians 4:12 I think it is safe to assume that Epaphras must ...