Apologetics bibliography

The most comprehensive website I’ve found with a ton of resources. You have to see this sight to realize how much there is. Phil Fernandez lectures are an excellent resource.
Excelllent resource for one of my favorite bible translations the NET bible. There are over
75,000 footnotes that deal with a number of textual issues throughout the scripture. He is straightforward and honest about what he has found from his manuscript studies.
This has a number of different free bible training classes. This is much more on the lighter side than something like The Theology Program at www.reclaimingthemind.org

This is the center for the study of New Testament Manuscripts. This is an excellent website if you would like to do some in depth study on textual criticism. They have committed to taking high resolution pictures of manuscripts. So you can see them right from their website and read early manuscripts (if you can read Greek).
Gary Habermas’ website. Gary Habermas is one of the leading scholars in the area of discussing the historical reliability of the resurrection. He has written many books and has debated scholars on the issue of the historical reliability of the bible and the historical fact of the resurrection.
This has videos of Cliff Knechtle going to different universities and discussing with students. This is an excellent resource for the insight you can gain by hearing real questions from college students and the insightful responses by Cliff. You can also find him by searching on youtube.com.
Dr, Phil Fernandes website. Excellent resource full of videos and other resources on apologetics. He also has a certificate program where you can pay to take a class and be mentored through the process.
Itunes U
Ok this one is not a website but you can access it for free through Itunes. This is an excellent resource for tons of excellent materials from leading universities. RTS (Reformed Theological Seminary) has some excellent lectures on Church history where he deals extensively with early heresies like Gnosticism (which was the religious system that many of the “other gospels” came from). You can get a taste of how different it was from Christianity.
William Lane Craigs website. This is my favorite apologetics website from my favorite apologist. This is full of articles, lectures, debates, interviews, etc.
There is a great video that gives a clear overview of the Moral Argument on this site.  Along with many links for more details.  
There is a great video that gives a clear overview of the Kalam Cosmological Argument on this site.  Along with many links for more details.
There is a great video that gives a clear overview of the Fine Tuning Argument on this site.  Along with many links for more details.
Though run by those that are from a Calvinistic persuasion it is a great resource for getting basic theological and apologetic material. See especially “Converse with Scholars.” Daniel Wallace has some incredible lectures on textual criticism (which is the study of manuscripts and the variations that are evident between them.)
This is Ravi Zacharias’ website where you can find excellent resources. I highly recommend listening to his radio broadcasts “Let my People Think” and “Just Thinking”
Gregory Koukl’s website. Excellent resource for learning about apologetic tactics
www.thereasonforgod.com *Video Resources
This is a dvd/small group study that Timothy Keller from Redeemer Church in NYC discusses with unbelievers about Christian truths.
www.veritas.org *Video Resources
Excellent lectures from top notch scholars
A debate that can be purchased for 10 dollars between Daniel Wallace, a Greek scholar who wrote Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics and Bart Ehrman, one of the leading scholars against the reliability of the New Testament.
Note: You can access a number of books on books.google.com and read large sections of some of these books for free.
Apologetics Study Bible-HCSB [B-HC-HLM]. Wheaton: Holman Bibles, 2007. Print. This is an excellent resource. There are incredible articles that deal with a number of issues. BEWARE of their theological presuppositions.
Copan, Paul. Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2011. This really helps in addressing the questions of the ethics of the OT.  He helps clarify some of the principles we need to work from when we approach the OT law.  And he also helps in explaining the historical context of the passages at hand.  This is written at a popular level but contains a lot of great information on a lot of tough passages in the OT.
Corduan, Winfried. No Doubt About It: The Case for Christianity. Kiev Russia: B&Amp;H Publishing Group, 1998. Print. This is a very good book on basic apologetics. Corduan is a Calvinist so it is interesting seeing how he approaches issues like the problem of evil (which is usually answered with the free will argument).
Corduan, Winfried. Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998. Print. This is an excellent book written about the various belief systems. Great resource to learn about what others believe. This is written by a Christian apologist.
Cottrell, Jack. The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today. Joplin: College Press Publishing Company. This is an excellent overview of Christian doctrine. This deals with a number of issues that are addressed when you share your faith. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Craig, William Lane, and J. P. Moreland. Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003. Print. This is exactly what the title implies. I love this book. It gives an overview of philosophy from a Christian perspective. Great textbook resource (not the most fun to read straight through) I recommend the chapter on logic.
Craig, William Lane. Reasonable Faith Study Guide. London, UK: Createspace, 2008. Print. This is William Lane Craigs basic theology book. I heard that he gets a little deep in his argumentation and the previous version is more recommended. I have not personally read this book but have read a lot from Craig and I find him incredibly thorough and strong in his argumentation. If you are looking for an easier read go for his other book "On Guard" sighted here.
Craig, William Lane. On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision. New ed. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 2010. Print. The first chapter of this book is available from www.reasonablefaith.org. This is written very easy to understand but is still an excellent scholarly resource for anyone.
Gray, Gorman. The Age of the Universe: What Are the Biblical Limits?. 2 ed. .: Morning Star Pubns, 2001. Print. Excellent resource that deals with both the biblical teaching and the scientific data about the age of the universe. Very good read. This personally changed my view on the age of the universe.
Gregory, David. Dinner with a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering. Colorado Springs: WaterBrook Press, 2005. Print. This is an incredibly simple read that can be given to an unbeliever who has questions. It deals with many questions in an easy to read story.
Keller, Timothy. The Reason For God: Belief in an age of Skepticism. New York: Dutton, 2008. This is written by the pastor at Redeemer presbyterian church in NYC. I have a great respect for Timothy Keller's ability to engage in a conversation and ability to address intellectual things in an honest and non-threatening way. This is something both a believer and an unbeliever can read to learn from. This would be an excellent resource to study together with an unbeliever.
Mittelberg, Mark. Choosing your faith: in a world of spiritual options. S.I.: Willow Creek Resources; 2008 This is an excellent beginning book. This is geared to some very foundational questions about our worldview. It is an easy read and does a great job as connecting with the reader. This is written in such a way that an unbeliever could read it on their own or together with a believer as a study on how to choose a faith.
Mere Creation; Science, Faith & Intelligent Design. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998. Print. Excellent resource for Intelligent design study. Each chapter of this book is an article written by a top named scholar.
Moreland, J. P.(Author). Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role Reason in the Life of the Soul. Oklahoma, OK: Navpress Publishing Group, 1997. Print. This is an excellent book about the Christian mind. I believe every Christian should read this book. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview: Essays in Honor of Norman L. Geisler. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 0. Print. This is another great book with many authors. A powerhouse of strong names. See especially chapter 3 which is Koukl's explanation of the Columbo Tactic. You can read this whole chapter on books.google.com
Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God. 2 ed. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1995. Print. Excellent resource by a scholarly scientist accomplishing what the title implies. This is written by an old earth creationist which means that he does not believe in a literal 6 day creation. He would be more in line with theistic evolution.
Strobel, Lee. Case for Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Company, 2007. Print. This is an excellent popular book on apologetics. It is written very well. The different chapters are interviews with different scholars.
Zacharias, Ravi. Jesus Among Other Gods The Absolute Claims Of The Christian Message. New Ed ed. Waco, TX: Thomas Nelson, 2002. Print. This is an excellent resource to see how Christianity stands out. This is an excellent case for Christianity.


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